
Rice Spring 2009

PHYS 202 Modern Physics
PHYS 302 Intermediate Electrodynamics
ELEC 242 Fundamentals of EE II
ELEC 262 Intro to waves and photonics
ELEC 391 Professional Issues in EE
COMP 314 Applied Algorithms and Data Structures
COMP 280 Discrete Math?
LING 200 Intro to Languages?

First week of classes is almost done; 25/27? isn't treating me too bad at this point.
It's really interesting to see and compare different minds and figures between and within departments, fields and alma maters.

People from MIT seems to be pretty ultimate-- one sort is both well-disciplined and methodical; they won't let you walk out of the class with questions, while the other simply jumps here and there and flip around questions people ask, you may get confused easily in the class, but don't worry, cause soon you'd find out he is lost as well. However, most of them are talented and passionate on what they're doing and the enthusiasm could be spread over easily, which I think is the most important thing for undergrad education.

Rice people are nerds, but what's interesting is that it turns nerds into cool people, and normal folks into super nerds. And if they're not old in solitude, o, boy, you gotta watch out.

CMU is pretty similar to Rice, or even worse. They are smart, absolutely, but few are talented, are capable of playing around and make connections without an effort.

This is definitely not a general case but more like a summary of the people I've seen, and the image they've given to me, at least.

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